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Name: Metallica
Date of Birth: Formed in 1981
Origin: Los Angeles, CA
Instrument: Lead Vocals: James Hetfield, Lead Guitar: Kirk Hammett, Drums: Lars Ulrich, Bass: Robert Trujillo
Bio: Formed in 1981 in Los Angeles, Metallica's current
lineup only has two of the original members: James Hetfield and Kirk
Hammett. Metallica's past has included the tragic death of original
bassist, Cliff Burton and the various members' bouts with alcoholism
and drug addiction. Today, the band has matured and is back out on tour
with their latest lineup in support of one of their heaviest albums
since Master of Puppets, Death Magnetic. Their music is a fusion of
speed metal, hard rock and haunting melodies weaved together with the
snarling vocals of Hetfield and the relentless onslaught of Ulrich's
drumming. Don't miss out on their latest tour - get your Metallica
concert tickets online (below) from Concerts.Ws - the Concert Tickets
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