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widgets by : Panduan Blogger

mass effec 2



Genre: RPG , Action
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: BioWare
Also on: X360

Mass Effect 2 begins in 2183, not long after the events of Mass Effect. While on patrol for geth, the protagonist Commander Shepard's ship, the Normandy, comes under attack by an unknown assailant. The ship suffers extensive damage, forcing the crew to evacuate in escape pods. Joker continues to pilot the ship, despite it suffering extensive damage and the rest of the crew evacuating. Shepard reaches Joker, and orders him to get off the ship. Joker insists he can save the ship even though that obviously wasn't the case. Shepard drags Joker out of his seat and into a pod, but before he can board himself, debris slices through his suit. He suffocates and dies. His body is seen drifting through space. Commander Shepard's body is retrieved by the Shadow Broker, a secretive buyer of information, selling it to the highest bidder, who has been employed by The Collectors, an enigmatic and xenophobic alien race who serve as the game's primary antagonists. In the events of Mass Effect: Redemption, former squadmate Liara T'Soni is employed by Cerberus, a pro-human group, to get the body for the organization, before it is delivered to the Collectors. After this, Cerberus works to revive the Commander through a project known as "Lazarus." Two years later in 2185, Shepard is awakened aboard a Cerberus space station that is under attack, and aids Cerberus agents Miranda Lawson and Jacob Taylor in escaping. Shepard is taken to Cerberus' headquarters and granted an audience with the Illusive Man, who explains that Shepard was "upgraded" and asks for the Commander's help in combating a new threat which has been abducting entire human colonies. Shepard and his team are dispatched to the recently attacked colony of Freedom's Progress in the Terminus Systems to investigate. There, the group encounters Tali, one of Shepard's former squad members, and discovers that the mysterious insect-like Collectors were behind the attack. Shepard reports this to the Illusive Man, who then reveals what Shepard's previous squad members are up to. After receiving command of the Normandy SR-2, Shepard decides to begin recruiting a new team to discover the Collectors' plan

OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1/7
Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 1.8 GHz or AMD Equivalent
Memory: 1 GB for Windows XP/ 2 GB for Windows Vista/7
Hard Drive: 15 GB Free
Video Memory: 256 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 6800/ATI Radeon X1600)*
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard and Mouse
DVD Rom Drive

Please note that NVIDIA GeForce 7300, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, and 9300; ATI Radeon HD3200, and HD4350 are below minimum system requirements.
Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required. Intel and S3 video cards are not officially supported in Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 2 makes a large number of additions and changes to Mass Effect's weapons and abilities

There is a large number of changes and improvements to the core shooter gameplay, including:
* Targeting of individual body parts, enabling the player to make more damaging headshots or slow down an enemy by wounding, or shooting off, their leg.
* An ammo system based on 'thermal clips'. Instead of cooling down automatically, weapons dissipate heat into thermal clips, that can only withstand a certain number of shots before they must be replaced or 'reloaded'. Replacement thermal clips can be collected off of the bodies of defeated enemies.
* Cover is now entered manually, instead of automatically as it was in the first Mass Effect.
* A modified health system. Medi-gel has been removed from use, now only serving the purpose of reviving dead teammates. Instead the player's Health and Shields now regenerate slowly when the player is not taking damage.
* On the Xbox 360 it is now possible to map powers to the Y and LB buttons, as well as the RB button, allowing the player to cast up to 3 powers without pausing and bringing up the power wheel.

Galaxy Map
Mass Effect 2 also features changes to the Galaxy Map interface and how players interact with planets, ships and mass effect relays. These include:

* New fuel system that requires the player to put more thought into where they're travelling.
* New mini-game to scan the planet for resources and landing sites.

Uncharted Worlds
The way the player interacts with uncharted worlds has been changed, with changes including:

* The M35 Mako is absent, replaced by the Kodiak Drop Shuttle which delivers the player directly to those landing sites uncovered by the scanning mini game and the downloadable hover tank Hammerhead.

Changes to the inventory system include:
* Weapons and armor are chosen at the beginning of missions and can be swapped out for newly, or previously, acquired equipment at lockers found throughout the various environments in the game, or aboard the new Normandy.[23]
* Armor is modular and custom N7 armor can be built from parts bought from merchants, or acquired on missions, through the player's armor locker aboard the SSV Normandy SR-2. These parts can have different behaviors and influences on gameplay. At the armor locker the player can also customize many aesthetic aspects of their armor, including color, material and shininess as well as choose between helmets and visors.[25] Shepard can also equip alternatives to helmets including a visor similar to the one worn by Garrus, goggles or a recon hood.
* The player can modify aspects of armor and weapons, such as accuracy or ammo mods, by collecting research projects and working on them at research terminals in the science lab aboard the Normandy SR2, provided Shepard has recruited a scientist to work there.

Dialogue and Cinematics
Mass Effect 2 adds a large new feature to the dialogue system: Interrupts. The interrupt system will allow Shepard to take more physical action in a conversation, either through a Renegade hostile interrupt or a Paragon heroic interrupt.








Pro Evolution Soccer 2007(PES 2007)

The next-gen edition of Winning Eleven (aka Pro Evolution Soccer). The Xbox 360 boasts significantly improved visuals and animation over the original version while keeping all of the intense action and features for play on the pitch. Player AI has been upgraded, with players working to turn defenders, and defenders themselves now smart enough to back off slightly to prevent such moves. This edition also includes a much-refined shooting system - players can now attempt more snap shots than previously possible, while the volley and half-volley mechanics have been overhauled. Additional abilities include all-new feints, backwards dribbling (thanks to improved dribbling controls) and the ability to retain control of the ball when performing a sliding tackle. Clubs from major leagues appear with their real name. The game includes updated Master League modes, a new international challenge mode and a random selection mode for more intense multiplayer matches.


System Requirements:

Processor: Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB (GeForce 8800 or better)
Hard Drive: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1

Genres: RPG
Developer: BioWare and Edge of Reality
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: PC
Language: ENG


Parts have 390 Mb.

Free Download Game Hamster Ball

Hehehehe iseng tadi saya rada-rada kangen dengan game yang satu ini, lumayan lah buat refreshing dikala senggang. :gigi:

Tapi sayang, master filenya ilang, yaa padahal lagi pengen maen nih. Akhirnya dengan bantuan om google, ketemu juga setup game + crack nya :gigi:. Jadi bisa puas maen......

Daripada buat saya sendiri, siapa tau temen-temen ada yang juga pengen maenin game imut ini. Nah kalo pengen silahken di download dengan link berikut :

Prikitiwnya :

Free Download Game The Sims - Castaway Stories

Langsung.... Barusan saya download game ini, karena temen saya nitip minta diunduhkan. Berhubung speedy dirumah saya lagi baik atau mungkin error ya manthab kecepatannya downloadnya stabil di 105 kB/s (padahal jatah 3 GB dah habis dari kemaren hohohoho) dan saya juga gak begitu make inet (karena kemaren udah download habis-habisan), yaa udah langsung didownload.

Selesai di download langsung tes install, jalan 1 juta %, hehehehe

Berikut linknya klo sampeyan semua ada minat untuk download dan maen (saya gak bisa mainkannya dan lagi malas untuk belajar memainkannya jadi ndak ada tutorial/tips bermain game ini). Hehehehe

Crack dan keygennya ada di dalam, file nya berupa .iso bisa di burning ke DVD dulu atau bisa juga menggunakan virtual drive sejenis daemon tools.

Cara installnya :
  1. Masukkan DVDnya
  2. Masukkan serial number (gunakan keygen)
  3. Lalu Install
  4. Setelah itu copy paste file SimsCS.exe yang ada di dalam folder "crack" ke folder tempat instalansinya, biasanya (kalo defaultnya nih utk XP) di C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims Castaway Stories\TSBin
  5. Yups sekarang bisa dimainkan dengan stabil...
Akhir kata, selamat mendownload dan selamat bermain...

Free Download Coade CAESAR II 5.10

Stress ane beberapa hari ini... nohope TA belum selesai-selesai. Iseng dari kemaren ane nyari software buat engineer nah akhirnya terdampar di software yang namanya Coade CAESAR II 5.10. Yaah walaupun ndak ngerti cara pakainya, tetep juga pengen nyoba. Wkwkwkwkw hohohoho

Akhirnya saya unduh... Alhasil... Ndak bisa dipake... sial, lagi sibuk-sibuk ngurusin TA malah sibuk utak-atik software bajakan. Sumpah baru kali ini ketemu software yang instalansinya bener-bener ruwet... Bayangkan saking penasaran dengan ini software ane mpe 3 kali download, siapa tau ada yang salah dengan softwarenya. Ehhh ternyata gak ada yang salah dengan softwarenya. Yang salah adalah cara instalansinnya. hammer Udah ngebuang bandwidht gede, ehh ternyata salah dalam instalansi aja. Sial nohope Walaupun ada petunjuk/cara penginstallan tetep aja gak bisa, soalnya petunjuknya gak lengkap. Dan banyak situasi yang tidak dijelaskan.

Yaa udah daripada terus ngomel ndak jelas ngabisin energi. Ane mau share software itu. Berikut cara "install" yang lengkap dan benar. Kalo ditempat sampeyan ndak berhasil juga, maka saya angkat tangan. Silahken ubek-ubek sendiri.

Oiya software ini working 6.7 triliun% (pokok'e lebih dari 100%) di laptop + PC kakak saya. Dengan OS Windows XP SP3.

Ini link downloadnya :

Cara installnya :
  1. Ekstrak dolo.... Terserah untuk file iso setelah diekstrak itu, mau diekstrak lagi atau mau di mount image juga bisa.
  2. Install caesar.II.v5.10 dengan cara ngeklik dobel setup.exe
  3. Kalo ditanyain tentang ESL (lupa kata-kata yang benernya), pilih yang local atau yang warna HIJAU atau yang ada di bawah.
  4. Install sampe selesai. Dan nanti bakal di tanya Restart atau tidak. Jangan pilih Restart. Pilih NO aja.
  5. Setelah selesai, buka crack yang ada di folder MAGNiTUDE trus buka lagi folder for System32. Ada file yang namanya 795F1F82.hasp Itu di copy paste ke C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder.
  6. Jalankan LND Emulator Utility.exe, Terus tekan tombol install Emulator.
  7. Gak ada reaksi????? Yaaa bener... ternyata emang gak ada reaksi. Wkwkwkwkwkw Pokoknya setelah yakin udah di klik tombol install emulator, Restart laptop/PC sampeyan
  8. Jalankan CAESAR II 5.10.
  9. Klo di suruh register pilih NO aja. Lagian massa kita make bajakan mau register. Wkwkwkwkw
  10. Selanjutnya terserah anda .... InsyaAllah jalan.... Hehehehe pisss
Prikitiw bahwasanya CAESAR II 5.10 bisa jalan di laptop saya dan bisa menjalankannya walaupun masih gak bisa mengaplikasikannya bisa di liat di gambar berikut :

Free Download Adobe Acrobat Professional 8 Portable

Hmm daripada gak ada kerjaan, mending bagi-bagi software ahh...hehehehe sekali lagi sori terhadap pendukung UU ITE, software ini adalah bajakan, sudah gitu software ini portable lagi...wii asik ya...hehehehehe

Khusus kali ini saya mau membagikan software yang berbau-bau PDF, hehehe pada postingan kemaren kan udah tentang software buat konversi file .doc (Office 2003) atau .docx (Office 2007), naah yang ini adalah software buat edit PSF tersebut. hehehehehe

Yuppss kawan-kawan pasti udah pada tau semua dengan software Adobe Acrobat 8 Profesional, tapi yang saya kasih ini adalah versi portable, jadi gak pake install langsung colokin flasdisk so langsung jalan...hehehehe

Tapi sebelumnya saya mau jujur dulu, ini program bukan saya yang upload, terus terang saya lupa dapet di mana programnya, waktu saya unduh dulu saya belum berlangganan internet jadi selalu make jasa warnet buat ngunduh, hehehehe, yang tersisa di flasdisk saya cuma link buat unduh. Jadi dalam kesempatan ini saya mau minta izin sekaligus juga mau ucapin terimakasih yang sebesar-besar kepada yang upload, karena aplikasi/program/software yang diberikan olehnya sangat berguna untuk kehidupan saya. hehehehehe

Adobe Acrobat Profesional 8

Hehehehe so ini alamat buat unduhnya....silakan baca doa dulu biar koneksinya mantap dan donlodnya juga cepat, karena filenya cukup besar...hehehehehe

PART 1 klik di sini

PART 2 klik di sini

PART 3 klik di sini

Pasword-nya : thinstaller

Sudah di unduh, naahh kelebihan ini dari software lainnya yang jelas lebih mahal, hehehehe tapi kalo yang di atas sih gratisan kawan alias free, hehehehe. Biasanya sih kawan hanya punya program buat membaca filenya aja kan, atau biasa disebut acrobat reader, naah kalo yang ini kawan bukan hanya bisa untuk membaca, tapi kawan juga bisa mengedit, konversi file image (semisal .jpg) jadi file .pdf, terus ngasih security biar file kita gak bisa di ubah-ubah, ngasih tanda kepemilikan di file kita (biasanya disebut water mark) dan lain sebagainya. Pokoknya lumayan banyak fasilitas yang bisa digunakan lewat program ini, tapi saya sering menggunakan hanya untuk yang disebutkan di atas, hehehehe.

Hehehehe biar gak banyak bacot, langsung hasilnya aja deh, hehehehehe nah ini hasil setelah saya bikin watermark dan security pada file punya saya,


Keterangan: 1) security ; 2) watermark-nya (kalo gambarnya kuran jelas bisa klik di sini buat memperjelasnya.

Gimana kawan? yaa udah deh survive sendiri aja ya...semoga postingan ini bermanfaat amin...

Free Download Game Stronghold Crusader

Hayyyooo... siapa yang suka maen game perang pake strategi... Hehehehe game ini berlatarkan perang pada zaman dulu, pokoknya keren deh. encem Gamer yang sering maen game seperti ini pasti langsung tau kalo game ini bakalan asik buat dimainin. Saya jamin deh. peace

Huehehehe sebelum saya posting di sini saya udah lama punya game ini dan lagi saya udah berhasil menamatkan semua game yang ada.. Hihihihihi sengihnampakgigi Seru punya deh pokoknya. Lalu ada tips untuk memainkannya? Eiittss nanti dulu... jelir

Oiya game ini pun baru aja saya dapat link buat downloadnya, saya juga belum pernah download lewat ini. Soalnya installer game ini saya dapat dari temen dia beli bajakan juga. Hehehe sengihnampakgigi

Jadi kalo ada teman-teman yang pengen nyoba buat ngunduhnya, silakan saja, oke. Dan ini dia link buat ngunduhnya.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Semua di uplod di megaupload, so selamat download aja deh... setan